Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Business - Essay Example One of the primary aspects of how globalisation impacts international business is the inter-dependency of international trade. Whereby historically economies were limited to geographical boundaries, having economic systems wholly contained within a national infrastructure, today with the presence of global product trade, it is altering the global economy. For instance, this can be witnessed in China, a country that maintained a very immature capital market until the 1990s as a result of the historical command economy that was centrally controlled by Chinese government. As China’s economy began to expand as a result of government deregulation, GDP and exportation became a favourable activity to ensure rapid economic growth. As a result, in order to become competitive with the rest of the developed world, it was necessary for businesses (once dominated by government) to adopt capitalistic and neoliberal ideologies which allows for capital assets and production systems to be whol ly owned and managed by private business leaders (Degen 2008). As a result of this change toward capitalism in a previously Communist nation, it became more inviting for foreign businesses to establish joint ventures and strategic alliances with growing Chinese companies to gain a foothold for market entry. Government in China no longer owned majority equity stakes in businesses which ultimately led to opening new competitive opportunities for smaller firms that could not previously compete with government-controlled business group conglomerates. As a result, Western management philosophy (as one relevant example) became entrenched in Chinese businesses with an emphasis on human capital development and organisational culture development rather than operating under tightly-controlled and centralised hierarchies of authority. Adopting a more

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Stages in the Process of Writing a Good Essay Essay Example for Free

The Stages in the Process of Writing a Good Essay Essay The process should be done step by step alternately. Firstly, you have to think about the topic and idea. Then you must analyze and identify the topic that you have chosen, and you need to get some keywords. The next step is you have to look for the information about the topic. There are many ways to search it, such as book, journal, the internet, newspaper, library, and so on. Then, you analyze the data or arguments from those sources that you have got, and you need to take some notes. If all of information is completed, you must organize it and write a plan about every step that you will write in the essay. Besides that, you need to make an outline for the essay as well. Then you can begin to write the essay. The important thing that you have to remember when you write the essay is you must be constant with the main idea and make your writing get fluent. So, you need to use linking words and must not forget to organize your paragraph. The paragraph consists of three parts, those are introduction, body, and conclusion. You must write it in the correct order. After finishing the essay, you have to read it again and check every paragraph about the fluency. You also need to check your grammar that you use. Finally, if you have checked all of them and you feel satisfied with your essay, you need to submit it.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Patrick Henrys Speech to the Virginia Convention

â€Å"Give me liberty or give me death!† This statement from Patrick Henry’s â€Å"Speech to the Virginia Convention,† delivered to the House of Burgesses, has been quoted by many, becoming almost clichà ©. However, the declaration is truly understood by a select few. The unjust Stamp Act passed by the British crown in 1765, brought fame and notoriety to Henry as he spoke out against the unjust taxation without representation. Ten years later on the eve of revolution, Henry calls upon the Colonial government of which he is part, to act for the betterment of the people. Patrick Henry attempts to persuade the House of Burgesses to revolt and declare war against Britain by logically convincing them that it is their natural right to be free and calling on their patriotism and pride as leaders of colonial America. Throughout his speech, Henry justifies his argument for going to war, by logically explaining himself to the leaders of the American colonies. Obviously â€Å"men often see the same subject in different light.† Therefore, Patrick Henry uses this in a step-by-step explanation of why he believes that the colonies should join together in revolt. He states, because men have different views, he wishes to express his own, without â€Å"be[ing] thought disrespectful,† to anyone in the House. This shows his call on logos, because he logically goes through a process of explaining why his opinion even matters to the House. Continuing, he asserts that because he has an outlook on the topic, he therefore should express that viewpoint, or he would consider himself, â€Å"guilty of treason.† He believes he would be hurting his country by not standing to assist it in the way he sees best fit. In addition to the previous example, as Henry is speaking, he asks, â€Å"What... ...e colonial leaders, by stating he is ready to die for his cause. This would make the members of the house introspective and look into their hearts to see if they are ready to die for their cause. Henry excites fear by stating he is so passionately ready to sacrifice for his country. This play towards pathos, or appealing to the audience’s emotions, is an effective way of trying to convince the House to go to war against Britain. This pathos combined with the logic of Henry’s speech, makes for a convincing argument. Logically taking the house step by step from stating that because he has an outlook on their situation, he should express it to them, to stating his argument before the House, to saying that lacking freedom is worse then death, then taking it full circle pronouncing he would prefer to be â€Å"give[n] death† then to have his freedom taken away by the British.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Irrepresive Individuals :: essays research papers

The Irrepressible Individual in the Works of Shirley Jackson Throughout her life, Shirley Jackson struggled with a conflict between her dogged individuality and society's requirement that she adhere to its norms and standards. Jackson saw a second level of human nature, an inner identity lurking beneath the one which outwardly conforms with society's expectations. Society's repression of her individuality haunted Jackson in her personal life and expressed itself in her writing through the opposition of two levels of reality, one magical and one mundane, but both equally real. All of the various dichotomies that make up Jackson's double-sided reality can be traced to the hidden human nature, the repressed individual she saw within each of us. From an early age, Jackson did not feel completely comfortable in the society around her. She preferred to sit in her room and write poetry rather than play with the other children in her neighborhood (Oppenheimer 16). Alone in her room, Jackson explored the magical worlds, the alter-egos which her family did not understand. "I will not tolerate having these other worlds called imaginary," she insisted (Oppenheimer 21). Jackson did not satisfy her mother, a wealthy socialite who wanted her daughter to be beautiful and popular and was disturbed by her talk of "other worlds." Relations between Jackson and her mother were tense throughout her life, paralleling the conflict between Jackson and the society in which she found no place for herself. "I will not tolerate having these other worlds called imaginary" -Shirley Jackson Jackson's mother wrote to her once that "you were always a wilful child" (Oppenheimer 14). This careless statement captures Jackson's stubborn assertion of her individuality, as well as her mother's disapproval. Jackson's obesity particularly troubled her mother, who suggestively sent her corsets even after she was married (Oppenheimer 14). Being overweight symbolized Jackson's rebellion against her mother and the standards of fashionable society. Her obesity demonstrates the connection Jackson made between her unique individuality and the "freakish and abnormal, the 'grotesque and arabesque'" (Sullivan n. pag.). The abnormal second reality Jackson contemplated in the seclusion of her room was to her supremely ironic. Jackson rarely ends her stories with a resolution of the plot; instead, a dramatic incident or revelation serves to illustrate the irony she sees in the world. In her most famous short story, "The Lottery," Jackson takes pains to describe a village of hard-working, upstanding Americans.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Assimilation and Accommodation Essay

Assimilation and Accommodation Jean Piaget viewed intellectual growth as a process of adaptation (adjustment) to the world. This happens through: * Assimilation, which is using an existing schema to deal with a new object or situation. * Accommodation – this happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not work, and needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation. * Equilibration – occurs when a child’s schemas can deal with most new information through assimilation. However, a state of disequilibrium occurs when new information cannot be fitted into existing schemas (assimilation) . Equilibration is the force which drives the learning process as we do not like to be frustrated and will seek to restore balance by mastering the new challenge. (accommodation). Once the new information is acquired the process of assimilation with the new schema will continue until the next time we need to make an adjustment to it. Example A 2 year old child sees a man who is bald on top of his head and has long frizzy hair on the sides. The child will assimilate the man as a clown. This is assimilation. And when the father explain to his son that the man was not a clown and that even though his hair was like a clown’s, he wasn’t wearing funny costume and wasn’t doing thing to make people laugh. This is accommodation. And with this new knowledge, the boy is able to change his schema of â€Å"clown† and make this idea fit better to a standard concept of â€Å"clown.† According to Piaget, teaching can support these development processes by stages of Development. A child’s cognitive development is about a child developing or constructing a mental model of the world. Jean Piaget was interested both in how children learnt and in how they thought. Piaget studied children from infancy to adolescence, and carried out many of his own investigations using his three children. He used the following research methods: Naturalistic observation: Piaget made detailed observations of children, and from these he wrote diary descriptions charting their development. He also made Clinical interviews and observations of older children who were able to understand questions and hold conversations. Piaget believed that children think differently than adults and stated they go through 4 universal stages of cognitive development. * Sensorio-motora: desde el nacimiento hasta los 2 aà ±os aproximadamente. En esta etapa se caracteriza al nià ±o como extremadamente egocà ©ntrico, donde no comprende el mundo de otra forma que no sea su propio punto de vista. El desarrollo principal en esta etapa es el entendimiento de que los objetos existen independientemente de su relacià ³n con el objeto (permanencia del objeto), es decir que el nià ±o es capaz de mantener una imagen mental de una persona u objeto a pesar de no estar presente o visible. En esta etapa los bebà ©s aprenden principalmente a travà ©s del ensayo y error. El objetivo de Piaget era investigar a quà © edad los nià ±os adquirà ­an esta â€Å"permanencia del objeto†. El mà ©todo que uso fue esconder un juguete debajo de una sà ¡bana y ver si el nià ±o buscaba el objeto escondido. Esta bà ºsqueda del objeto era una prueba de la permanencia del objeto. Piaget supuso que el nià ±o solo podà ­a buscar el objeto escondido si tiene una r epresentacià ³n mental de à ©l. * Etapa Pre-operacional: desde los 2 a 7 aà ±os aproximadamente. En esta etapa los nià ±os desarrollan gradualmente el uso del lenguaje y la capacidad para pensar en forma simbà ³lica. Sus pensamientos en esta etapa suelen ser egocà ©ntricos. Egocentrismo hace referencia la incapacidad del nià ±o de ver una situacià ³n desde otro punto de vista que no sea el de à ©l mismo. Segà ºn Piaget, un nià ±o egocà ©ntrico supone que las personas ven, escuchan o sienten lo mismo que à ©l. Piaget quiso descubrir a quà © edad los nià ±os dejan de tener esta actitud. * Operaciones Concretas: desde los 7 a 11 aà ±os aproximadamente. En esta etapa el nià ±o es lo suficientemente maduro para pensar là ³gicamente en operaciones unidireccionales. Pero pueden aplicar la là ³gica sà ³lo con objetos fà ­sicos. Los nià ±os se vuelven menos egocà ©ntricos y entienden las leyes de conservacià ³n, esto significa que comprenden que aunque la apariencia de un objeto cambie, no significa que cambie el objeto en sà ­. * Operaciones Formales: desde los 11 aà ±os hasta la adultez. Cuando los adolescentes entran en esta etapa adquieren la capacidad de pensar de manera abstracta, de combinar clasificar los elementos de una manera mà ¡s sofisticada, y la capacidad de razonamiento de orden superior. Ademà ¡s desarrollan una identidad y se muestran mà ¡s interesados en temas sociales.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Paula Deen Example

Paula Deen Example Paula Deen – Essay Example PAULA DEEN             In various aspects of management, there are essential skills that are beneficial to managers. Paula Deen is a celebrity chef with vital expertise in cooking. Hard work is imperative in every activity in the world of business and Paula Deen’s skills and hard work are evident since she took over from her home business and expanded it to be better (Barrows & Powers, 2009). Moreover, the cooking business requires a focused individual who has the crucial skills to do a great job in the business. Managers like Paula Deen possess unique management expertise and skills, which enables them to act wisely and effectively in their management positions. Paula Deen is more than a cook with culinary, management, and interpersonal skills that, make her unique. Generally, chefs oversee the daily operations of every activity in a hotel. A chef is an expert who can alter and work through various menus and recipe. Hence, these individuals are planners and organizers in every aspect of management. Therefore, there are various skills, which are vital to managers in their daily operations. Even though individuals require motivation to work in the food industry, business skills are very important (Barrows & Powers, 2009). Communication skills are very essential to every hotel manager. Therefore, a chef like Paula Deen requires these skills to relate and collaborate well with the staff. A hotel usually hires and schedules staff that help in daily operations. Communicating effectively to others in the work place is an invaluable skill that is essential to every manager. Therefore, Paula Deen is an effective manager who is able to deal with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. Hence, various organizational and coordination skills are important on the food and beverage industry besides cooking and serving. Paul Deen was a professional chef who exuded confidence, intellectualism and inherent leadership etiquette. As a chef possessing these skills, he was capable of engineering the development of the management’s operations. References Barrows, C. W., Powers, T. F., & Powers, T. F. (2009).  Introduction to management in the hospitality industry. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons Benfari, R. (2013).  Understanding and changing your management style: Assessments and tools for self-development. Hinman, B. (2012).  Paula Deen. Pittsburgh: Eldorado Ink.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Adolescent Obesity essays

Adolescent Obesity essays The adolescent years are a time when body image is crucial and peers can be painfully critical (Morrill, Leach, Shreeve, Obesity has only recently been classified as an eating disorder. Previously the label obese was simply for labeling sake, but clearly serious implications are involved with the mental and physical health of the individual and more needs to be done. Currently, the amount of obese people is still on the rise and about 23% of the North American population is clinically obese (Gullotta, Adams The nature versus nature debate exists in the study of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Individual Adaptations Versus Population Evolution

Individual Adaptations Versus Population Evolution One common misconception about evolution is the idea that individuals can evolve, but they can only accumulate adaptations that help them survive in an environment. While it is possible for these individuals in a species to mutate and have changed made to their  DNA, evolution is a term specifically defined by the change in DNA of the majority of a population. In other words, mutations or adaptations do not equal evolution. There are no species alive today that have individuals that live long enough to see all of the evolution happen to its species- a new species may diverge from an existing species’ lineage, but this was a build up of new traits over a long period of time and did not happen instantaneously. So if individuals cannot evolve on their own, how then does evolution occur? Populations evolve through a process known as natural selection which allows individuals with beneficial traits for survival to breeding with other individuals who share those traits, eventually leading to offspring who only exhibit those superior traits. Understanding Populations, Evolution, and Natural Selection In order to understand why individual mutations and adaptations are not in and of themselves evolutionary, its important to first understand the core concepts behind evolution and population studies.  Ã‚   Evolution is defined as a change in the inheritable characteristics of a population of several successive generations while a population is defined as a group of individuals within a single species that live in the same area and can interbreed. Populations of individuals in the same species have a collective gene pool in which all future offspring will draw their genes from, which allows natural selection to work on the population and determine which individuals are more â€Å"fit† for their environments. The aim is to increase those favorable traits in the gene pool while weeding out the ones that not favorable; natural selection cannot work on a single individual because there are not competing traits in the individual to choose between. Therefore, only populations can evolve using the mechanism of natural selection. Individual Adaptations as a Catalyst for Evolution This isnt to say that these individual adaptations do not play a role in the process of evolution within a population- in fact, mutations that benefit certain individuals may result in that individual being more desirable for mating, increasing the likelihood of that particular beneficial genetic trait in the collective gene pool of the population. Over the course of several generations, this original mutation could affect the entire population, eventually resulting in offspring only being born with this beneficial adaptation that one individual in the population had out of some fluke of the animals conception and birth. For instance, if a new city was built on the edge of the natural habitat of monkeys that had never been exposed to human life and one individual in that population of monkeys were to mutate to be less afraid of human interaction and could therefore interact with the human population and perhaps get some free food, that monkey would become more desirable as a mate and would pass those docile genes onto its offspring. Eventually, the offspring of that monkey and that monkeys offspring would overwhelm the population of formerly feral monkeys, creating a new population that had evolved to be more docile and trusting of their new human neighbors.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discussion about female vagina circumcision Research Paper

Discussion about female vagina circumcision - Research Paper Example These cultures do not do so to harm the woman but believe that it is a main definition between a girl and a mature woman (Momoh 56). It is usually performed on girls who are few days into their puberty stages and in certain regions it is a requirement for any girl who may wish to get married. The act is usually performed without any anesthesia by a traditional circumciser who uses a knife or a razor or sometimes even scissors to remove the female genitalia in question. Apart from being a part of some cultures, it is also a part of some religious beliefs such as some Islam communities based in these regions especially in African countries such as Somali which has a large population of staunch Muslims (Ehrenreich and Hochschild 87). It is mainly practiced in parts of Africa, the Middle East and a number of immigrant communities based in Europe, Australia and America. The practice has been existent for a large number of decades, and scientific discovery in the medical profession was the main force behind groups that have risen in an effort to bring an end to this tradition. Types of Female Circumcision The World Health Organization has classified types of female circumcision into four types that have been categorized according the procedure that takes place. These four types of circumcision are carried out by different cultures and communities and include: Type 1 – This involves the removal of the clitoral hood, or the partial or sometimes total removal of the clitoris itself. The medical term for this procedure is clitoridectomy (Amish, Aisha and Aldo 87). Type 2 – Involves the total or partial removal of the clitoris as well as the inner or outer labia. Different cultures practice different combinations of these procedures such as sole removal of the inner labia or the removal of the inner and/or the outer labia as well as part or all of the clitoral. This type is often referred to as excision (Amish, Aisha and Aldo 87). Type 3 – This type i nvolves the removal of all of the female genitalia. This is to say that both the inner and outer labia is removed and may or may not include the removal of all or part of the clitoris as well (Amish, Aisha and Aldo 89). Once this is done, the girl’s legs are then bound together for a number of days that can go over a month in order to allow the wound to heal. A twig or an object of similar proportions is inserted in the wound to create a small hole that will allow for the passage of urine as well as menstruation once the healing process is complete. This type is commonly referred to as pharaonic circumcision or infibulation. Type 4 – This type categorizes all the other procedures that have not been covered in the previous three (Amish, Aisha and Aldo 103). They may include processes involving scraping, incising, pricking, and cauterization among others. Complications Involving Female Circumcision There are a number of medical complications that women who have undergone female circumcision may experience as a result. Some of these complications may occur immediately while others may be experienced later on after a period of time has elapsed (Skaine 65). They include issues such as infections that may occur as a result of the tools that are used. Most

Friday, October 18, 2019

San Miguel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

San Miguel - Essay Example There is some fertile land around the country’s capital San Sebastian. An American fruit company has bought a segment of this land for the purpose of cultivating and growing Bananas and citrus fruits, while some part of this fertile land is surrounded by the non-native locals and native Indians. The government grants the tenure of land and perpetuity is adopted to hold leasing. However, the government of this country retains all the rights to the compulsory purchase of the land by showing that either the national interests are being put on stake or the tenant does not possess the capability of cultivating and farming the land in a beneficial manner any more. Â  San Miguel possesses an enormous potential for providing the tourism sites and this sector can be easily added to the economic base of the country which has been discouraged till now by the government bearing foreign capital. However, the government intended to work for the development of the tourism sector with the income of minerals and oil and by understanding to make a strong tourist base to the economy of the state. The mountainous regions of the country hold great potential to serve the tourists and promote winter sports. It provides the opportunities of skiing all around the year and one of the companies in North America already intends to develop the mountainous region of the country by providing winter sports facility to the tourists, and they signify their plans with the building of an airport.

Korea and australia hofstede cultural differences Essay

Korea and australia hofstede cultural differences - Essay Example The Hofstede Report refers to the groundbreaking work of Geert Hofstede, whose studies into different nations has revealed a common consensus of five cultural dimensions according to which different countries can be compared. The truth is that over time, these dimensions have evolved according to the historical traditions, geographic boundaries, national perspectives and anything else that forms the cultural character of a people or country[1]. Differences in the Two Cultures, Recommendations and Analysis 1. Power Distance: Australians are used to a lower power distance between individuals than Koreans. Dassan Ltd. would therefore do well to cultivate an attitude of self respect and equality among people in its managers prior to sending them to Australia. This is a big mind shift from Korea, where the traditions demand respect from someone at a higher social or work position [2]. 2. Uncertainty Avoidance: Both Australians and South Koreans are used to a low level of uncertainty avoid ance. But whereas listening to a statement made by management would be enough for its validity among most Australians, the Koreans would prefer that this be committed to writing in the form of policy before it is accepted in their hearts and minds [3]. 3.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social Diversity -teaching across different learning styles Essay

Social Diversity -teaching across different learning styles - Essay Example In addition he further talked about the cognitive, moral and social development in children. As far as cognitive and socio moral development is concerned, Piaget relates three parallels. First, Piaget explained that as the object world is constructed by child, same case occurs with psychological development. So, psychological knowledge can be constructed by child as well. According to Piaget, second parallel involves the fact that affect is an in- dissociable element while talking about intellectual growth and development process. So, socio affective ties motivate moral and social development. Third, self regulation process is also described for moral and social development as for Intellectual and cognitive process. In the view of Jean Piaget, child’s intellectual development and adaption are always dependent on environment. This occurs in the same way as physical development does happen. While talking about development, Piaget also mentions and focuses the significance of pee r relations same as Tudge and Rogoff mentioned in ‘Interaction in human development’ (1989). However, according to Piaget’s view, peer relations do matter a lot as far as child’s construction and development process are related. ... So, Piaget’s development process expressed a gradual movement in children from anomy to heteronomy which further leads to autonomy. This description can further be described as a process when child passes through development process from non regulation by self and others to a process when child starts getting directives by others. Finally, a child reaches to a stage of autonomy meaning self regulation process. Moreover, Piaget also mentions two types of moral development in children based on their relations with adults. The positive regulations lead in the promotion of development optimistically. On the other hand, negative directions or coercion retard the overall development in short and long run as well. So, we can see that morality is not dependent on personal or individual convictions rather it always depends on environment and people with which a child interacts. Here, it is also important to mention that although child development is based on people living around but it is also a fact that believes also play a major role in this regard. This is also known as autonomous morality. This morality reflects the process of self regulation in children. Self constructed moral values give rise to beliefs. Moreover on practical level, we can see beliefs really play a great role as far as development process is related. Children will never like to follow readymade rules given or prescribed by their adults until or unless they develop personal convictions in this regard. So, when we talk about education instruction, cultural diversity, language and learning, we can see that adult child relationships do matter a lot. These relations might be power based where adults always

High Oil and Gas Prices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

High Oil and Gas Prices - Research Paper Example Global oil consumption has been another main reason (Millender-McDonald 1). China being one of the leading oil importing countries has added to the global oil demand by its continuous progress. The automobile industry in the United States has also added to the global oil consumption as it consumes around one-fourth of the total global oil. So is the case with US chemical industry (Liveris 1). The surge in oil demand has resulted because of low interest rates all over the world. Moreover, investors invest in oil business so as to minimize the risk of devaluation of their other businesses because when oil prices rise, the cost of all investments and businesses also rise (crack spread) which results in greater revenues and profits, and this makes the oil prices go up (Overdahl 3). Unfortunate events, like Hurrican Katrina and Rita, also caused oil prices to rise (Matthews 1). Jeffords, James M. â€Å"Clean Air Regulations and Natural Gas Prices.† Congressional Testimony,. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2006. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Liveris, Andrew. â€Å"Natural Gas Supply and Prices.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2005. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Matthews, Dan. â€Å"Mitigating Impact of High Gas Prices.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2005. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Millender-McDonald, Juanita. â€Å"Effect of High Natural Gas Prices on Small Businesses.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2006. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Overdahl, James A. (2005). â€Å"Rising gasoline Prices.† FDCH Congressional

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social Diversity -teaching across different learning styles Essay

Social Diversity -teaching across different learning styles - Essay Example In addition he further talked about the cognitive, moral and social development in children. As far as cognitive and socio moral development is concerned, Piaget relates three parallels. First, Piaget explained that as the object world is constructed by child, same case occurs with psychological development. So, psychological knowledge can be constructed by child as well. According to Piaget, second parallel involves the fact that affect is an in- dissociable element while talking about intellectual growth and development process. So, socio affective ties motivate moral and social development. Third, self regulation process is also described for moral and social development as for Intellectual and cognitive process. In the view of Jean Piaget, child’s intellectual development and adaption are always dependent on environment. This occurs in the same way as physical development does happen. While talking about development, Piaget also mentions and focuses the significance of pee r relations same as Tudge and Rogoff mentioned in ‘Interaction in human development’ (1989). However, according to Piaget’s view, peer relations do matter a lot as far as child’s construction and development process are related. ... So, Piaget’s development process expressed a gradual movement in children from anomy to heteronomy which further leads to autonomy. This description can further be described as a process when child passes through development process from non regulation by self and others to a process when child starts getting directives by others. Finally, a child reaches to a stage of autonomy meaning self regulation process. Moreover, Piaget also mentions two types of moral development in children based on their relations with adults. The positive regulations lead in the promotion of development optimistically. On the other hand, negative directions or coercion retard the overall development in short and long run as well. So, we can see that morality is not dependent on personal or individual convictions rather it always depends on environment and people with which a child interacts. Here, it is also important to mention that although child development is based on people living around but it is also a fact that believes also play a major role in this regard. This is also known as autonomous morality. This morality reflects the process of self regulation in children. Self constructed moral values give rise to beliefs. Moreover on practical level, we can see beliefs really play a great role as far as development process is related. Children will never like to follow readymade rules given or prescribed by their adults until or unless they develop personal convictions in this regard. So, when we talk about education instruction, cultural diversity, language and learning, we can see that adult child relationships do matter a lot. These relations might be power based where adults always

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Single parenting has negative effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How Single parenting has negative effect - Essay Example In this regard, the current discourse aims to contend that single parenting has negative effects that are detrimental to the children, and to the single parent, in the long run. Single parenting poses risks to the parent tasks to raise the children alone due to exposure to more stressors in responding to the needs of the family. As a single parent, the mother or father has to find ways and means to support the children holistically; meaning, financially, physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. As asserted by Hertz, â€Å"women who came from working class backgrounds were at one and the same time proud of their mothers’ employment achievements and sad that it was their mothers who were doubly burdened with keeping family life together† (6). As such, the need to fit all tasks and endeavors in a limited time frame poses health risks to single parents, including risks for developing anxieties, depression, cardiovascular diseases, and even burnout. Concurren tly, single parenting also exposes the children to be recipients of bursts of emotions and negativity. This fact was revealed by Aldort and Aldort who contended that â€Å"sometimes, in spite of all our intentions to love and be kind, what we might feel toward a child is anger and even resentment† (15). ... These are often feelings that we may not be aware of because of fear and discomfort rooted in our past experiences† (Aldort and Aldort 15). The negative impact of these outbursts to children include loss of confidence in themselves, depression, low morale, and even fear to socialize, trust others, and open up, as required. After having presented the negative effects of single parenting to the parent and the children, it could also be asserted its damaging repercussion to social structures, particularly in terms of maintaining a solid and unified family as the basic unit of society. Single parents need to exert double efforts to make up for the loss of the physical presence of spouse and of a father or mother to the children. As such, there seems to be something lacking that is felt by the parent and the children alike. This void could not be replaced by material things or by other people. Therefore, the negativity associated with trying to fill the void remains persistent. As a verred, â€Å"warmth, discipline, materialism - dealing with all these issues effectively demands that we address not only the challenges that parents face, but also the needs that they have as they try to be the best parent they can† (Levine 169). As such, inasmuch as the single parent focusing all his or her efforts to provide a holistic support to the children, the needs of the parent could most likely be neglected and wanting. Thus, the core values of maintaining a cohesive and supporting family, as the basic unit, are definitely eroded as society begins to accept single parenting as the socio-cultural norm in contemporary societies. There are those who argue that

Google in China Essay Example for Free

Google in China Essay In 2006, China attempted to move away from socialism and declared itself committed to economic reform and to opening itself to the outside world. Expanded personal freedoms for its citizens, however, China still maintained a harsh enforcement of political and religious regulations ? Membership in the WTO put China back on the map as a possible market for Western companies ? Yahoo! first American Internet company to enter China in 1999. Uncensored Internet information was not welcomed by Chinese authorities and government officials immediately implemented rules restricting access to content deemed improper or harmful, and monitored Internet usage of its citizens ? Included many private citizens in their surveillance efforts, and implemented public propaganda campaigns to create atmosphere of fear from reprisal and self-censorship ? Tom MacLean director of International Business for Google Inc. or last nine months; starting to worry about his job security after a storm of criticism resulting from decision to agree to subject Google’s search results to Chinese authority scrutiny ? Felt that he and his team had been mindful of political pitfalls they could face in implementing their strategic plan in China; level and intensity of subsequent backlash and disapproval was unexpected ? Elliot Schrage, Google’s vice president of Global Communications and Public Affairs, efended Google’s censorship agreement as necessary, while at the same time admitting decision conflicted deeply with Google’s core principles, and that it was something they were not proud of ? Congressional hearing planted seeds of doubt in MacLean about Google in China decision. Starting to question if Google was endorsing censorship by conforming to the Chinese authorities’ rules, if Google was acting as a tool for the government, if Chinese citizens were actually better off a fter Google’s decision to enter China, and whether censorship decision did go against their stated corporate philosophy ? Top leadership claim Google’s decision was made based on information currently available at the time; were not afraid to revisit that decision if necessary ? MacLean has only one day before attending a meeting where he would be questioned on the development and implementation of Google’s China strategy and asked for his suggestions for future courses of action ? MacLean under a lot of pressure to act, but his instinct is to stick by his strategy and let it play out a bit longer; hoping that Senate hearing would be the last bit of publicity for a while Problem Identification: (Write in complete sentences from now on) Key Identify major problem(s) and any minor contributing problem(s) ? Google’s launching of Google China and agreeing with Chinese government’s censorship demands has tarnished their reputation and public image (major) ? Lots of bad publicity generated globally; makes them look like hypocrites ? Caught between alienation of a potentially extremely lucrative international market and an ethical dilemma of global proportion ? Company ridiculed for its professed â€Å"don’t be evil† motto; critics blame Google for supporting a country with a regime known for its numerous, well-documented abuses of human rights and oppressive measures; violation of internationally recognized norms (minor) ? What should MacLean say at the meeting to justify his strategy? ? Has it become necessary for Google’s top leadership team to revisit decision in light of new information and circumstances? What should we do? Under a lot of pressure to act†¦. soon Inferences: Key Read between the lines and make some assumptions about the case that re suggested but not explicitly provided (read between the lines) ? Decision by Google to select China as its international target at this particular point in their political and social history is suspect, however, in accordance with their long-term global strategy, they could not pass up such a tremendous opportunity ? Censorship decision was necessary to maintain th eir position as global search-engine market leaders and to fend off advances from major competitors such as Yahoo! (who already have an established foothold in China) and Microsoft ? Capable of weathering out the storm of criticism without major negative financial implications ? In time, entire episode will simply â€Å"blow over† as media moves on to something else ? For long-term gain, worth putting up with short-term pain ? Actions can be justified if given the proper â€Å"spin† ? No irreparable damage has been done to the company’s reputation ? International business risk associated with decision can be managed General Case Ideas: Key Link applicable course material/theory to the case State applicable theory (the â€Å"what†) ? The global economy (Chapter 1, pages XX) Cultural influences on global business (Chapter 3, pages XX) ? Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Market Screening Process handouts ? Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in International Business handout ? Government and political influences on global business (Chapter 4, pages XX) ? Managing international business risk (Chapter 21, pages XX) Make relevan t connections between course theory and the case (the â€Å"so what†) ? There are four major categories of the international business environment that MNCs should consider when deciding on potential expansion markets: 1. Geographic Conditions (climate, terrain, seaways, natural resources) 2. Cultural Social Factors (accepted behaviours, values, and customs; language, education, religion, social relationships) 3. Political and Legal Factors (type of government, political stability, government policies toward business) 4. Economic Conditions (type of economic system, general education level of the population, types of industries, level of technology) ? The two of these that are most applicable to this case are: Cultural Social Factors The more similar one’s own culture is to another in history, language, religion etc. , the less difficult it is to conduct business in that society. But when societies differ on most of these characteristics, the potential for difficulty grows exponentially. For most American businesses in China, this potential is very high. There will be innumerable, unforeseen challenges, even when there is an honest effort to learn about and understand China and its people. When doing business in China, many cultural and social considerations must be addressed. Political and Legal Factors China has been under the communist party rule for many decades. The communist party exercises absolute power over legislations and economic and cultural institutions. Unlike western economies where the government promotes transparency for doing business, in China rules and regulations are not so transparent. Strict laws and patents in economies of the west protect domestic and foreign businesses, whereas in China, the legal system is loosely defined, giving rise to various loopholes in the law. When doing business in China, many political and legal considerations must be considered. Conclusion and Recommendations: Key Suggest specific and implementable solutions to solve identified problems ? Maintain status quo regarding decision †¦but go into damage control mode ? Hire an internationally-experienced and renowned public relations firm to present the situation in a more positive light (â€Å"spin doctors†) ? Counter bad publicity by using the media to your advantage. Issue a series of press releases arguing that it would be more damaging to pull out of China altogether; address criticisms directly and clearly explain the rationale of your decision ? Argue that censorship is necessary to keep the Chinese government from blocking Google altogether, and that Google can play a role more useful to the cause of free speech by participating in Chinas information technology industry than by refusing to comply and being denied admission to the mainland Chinese market ? Highlight the fact that Chinese authorities have restricted citizens to opular search engines such as Altavista and Yahoo! in the past, and that while removing search results is inconsistent with Googles mission, providing no information at all would be even more inconsistent with their mission ? More public visibility of Yahoo founders Page and Brin as well as CEO Eric Schmidt. Delivery of consistent message through carefully orchestrated television and print ad campaigns and appearances a t national and international industry forums ? Alter public perception through increased promotion of Google’s philanthropic work ? It is not Google’s job to fix governments but to provide the best service to users and the best return possible to its stakeholders. By choosing to do business in China, it is their job to serve the Chinese people in their best, albeit restricted, manner given current political climate ? If we didnt do it, someone else would have ? Emphasize that censorship issues are not restricted to China and that Google also had to do similar things in Germany as well as in their own home country to meet legal requirements ? Stand together as an industry. Enlist rival’s assistance with similar issues and common interests. Get Bill Gates, billionaire founder of Microsoft, to stand up for arch-rival Google and argue that state censorship was no reason for technology companies not to do business in China. Get Gates to issue public statement that the Internet is contributing to Chinese political engagement, as access to the outside world is preventing more censorship ? Close its China offices and abandon market

Monday, October 14, 2019

Operations Management Questions and Answers

Operations Management Questions and Answers It is essential for studying operations management because operation is one of the most integral functions in businesses around the world, and we have to face it from day to day whether we work in production or service industries. If we only choose a limited functional perspective, we will surely restrict our decisions. In other words, we cannot see an overall picture and do not meet requirements of employers. Additionally, we study operations management to maintain efficient production or service processes with a workforce in order to readily adapt to new equipment and schedules, on the other hand, to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Studying operations management provides necessary ideas, techniques and principles which can be used in both manufacturing and service industries. The principles of process thinking can be applied across the business. Overall, operations Management is an interesting and challenging field of study. 2. What is the difference between the terms production management and operations management? The difference between the terms production management and operations management is that production management is related mainly to manufacturing. Meanwhile, operation management includes manufacturing as well as service industries. 3. How does the function of an operations manager differ from the function of a marketing manager or a finance manager? How are these functions similar? The function of an operations manager is to create the supply of goods, whereas the marketing managers function is to create the demand for goods. Meanwhile the function of a finance manager is to secure and allocate the capital to produce the goods. These functions are similar because decisions made by all three managers affect four types of operations decisions including process, quality, capacity and inventory. Therefore, a high level of integration is needed between decisions made by the marketing, finance, and operations managers. 4. How is the operations management field related to the fields of human resources, information systems, or accounting? The human resources function directly influences the skills level of operations workforce, their capacity and availability to perform work, and their ability to work as a team towards common goals. Operations management is a major internal customer of information systems, and as a result, these systems generally support specific operations decisions such as capacity determination, forecasting, quality management, inventory control, and scheduling. Be similar to finance, accounting interacts with all four decision categories in operations, particularly when capital or measurement of operations is required. 5. Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first identify the purpose and products of the organization; then use the four decision types to identify important operations decisions and responsibilities. a. A college library b. A hotel c. A small manufacturing firm a. A college library Purpose: Make information available to students and faculty. Products: Services and products in the forms of books, periodicals, reference materials, the internet, etc. Process: First, designing the way the facility is arranged with an emphasis on fiction, non-fiction, reference, periodical, and administrative sections. Second, we decide the kinds of office equipment will support the students and staff. Third, we determine how materials will be recorded, checked in/out, and returned to their proper book-shelf. Fourth, we determine the type of information technology equipment that used to support the circulation process and student internet access. Fifth, we consider who will be responsible for library operation and who will monitor and evaluate their performance. Quality: Be sure that materials are up to date and relevant. Make sure that the staff is available to assist library. Manage feedback system to monitor student and faculty satisfaction. Capacity: The library services and materialss demand affect the size of the shelves, what it carries, the number of librarians, and when those employees are scheduled Inventory: How many books, magazines, encyclopedias, computers needed to meet the demands of students and faculty b. A hotel Purpose: Provide a comfortable place for guests Products: Services and goods in the forms of room service, beds, premium linens, pools, night-clubs, foods, etc. Process: First, information architecture will be required to support the guest reservation, payment, check in/out, and entertainment processes. Second, equipment needed to support the room, housekeeping, and food service divisions. Third, job descriptions and performance standards required for staff in each of those divisions. Fourth, management needed for monitoring employee performance and resolving guests feedbacks. Quality: Be sure that the rooms are clean, and affordable. Make sure that staff maintains friendly attitudes with guests. Capacity: Local demands determine the number of available rooms, the convenience provided, and how many employees of each department will serve. Inventory: Local demand affects inventory variation to support the hotels administrative, household management, and food service divisions. c. A small manufacturing firm Purpose: Provide merchandise with high quality to the consumer at the lowest possible cost Products: Physical goods come along with the essential services to support those goods Process: What type of industrial facilities will be equipped? How large a facility will be needed to house the production line and administrative support offices? How the goods will be designed, manufactured, packaged, marketed, and supported? Quality: Use a quality control process to detect and reduce defects. Make sure that staff maintains friendly attitudes with customers during all levels of the sales and support processes. Capacity: Physical facilities labor. Inventory: What, when how much raw materials kept on hand to facilitate the manufacturing process? 6. For the organizations listed in questions 5, describe the inputs, transformation process, and outputs of the production system. a. A college library Input: The librarys staff decides and collects books, periodicals, reference materials which match the colleges requirements Transformation: First, accountant pays out for the cost of buying books, shelves, and other facilities. Second, librarians arrange and lay out books so as to make them available to students and faculties. Output: Students and faculties refer and borrow books, periodicals, reference materials. b. A hotel Input: Rooms and amenities, employees, capital, and other resources. Transformation: Use those above inputs to offer hotel services. Output: Customers hire and use services c. A small manufacturing firm Input: Energy, materials, labor, capital, information. Transformation: tracking all component parts, work in process, packaging materials. Output: finished goods, and general supplies. 7. Describe the decision-making and the process view of operations management. Why are both these views useful in studying the field of operations management? The decision-making is a process of deciding or settling something important, especially in a group of people or in an organization. On the other hand, it is the way we choose between alternative courses of action using cognitive processes memory, thinking, evaluation. The process view of operations management provides a basis of defining service and transformation process as well as a foundation for analysis and design of operations. Both these views are useful in studying the field of operations management because the decision-making provides a foundation to divide operations into part such as process, quality, capacity and inventory. Meanwhile, the process view provides essential insights for the productive processes in functional areas. 8. Write a short paper on some of the challenges facing operations management in the future. Use newspapers and business magazines from the library or the Internet as your primary sources. Operations management is not a sustainable thing. It always changes and copes with new challenges in the future. First, globalization is one of the integral challenges facing operations management today and into the future. Operations managers will have to face global competition today and in the future. One of the examples is the lawsuit between Apple and Samsung now. Apple has started proceedings against Samsung for copying the designs of iPhone and iPad (Daily Mail, 2011). Although Samsung a Korean company is a supplier and partner of Apple an American group, the lawsuit still happens because they are competitors on mobile devices field. Second, environmental responsibility will affect operations management in the future. The changes in environmental rules may change processes and capacity. Third, operations management will face awareness of technology and its trends as an indispensable challenge. Technology has changed everything in operations and it will continue. For example, automation system could replace human resource more than ever. Overall, those things are only three parts of challenges facing operations management in the future. However, they are typical challenges today and into the future. 9. Review the want ads in The Wall Street Journal or use the Internet to look for management positions that are available for operations management graduates. On, MANUFACTURING BWAY Corporation has sought an operation manager for coordinating manufacturing process. This position includes production, scheduling, safety, maintenance/à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹repair, quality management. Candidates have at least five years experiences as a Production Operations Manager; college degree and effective communication ability. Also, it requires candidates to be able to ensure quality and delivery performance for the plant (Monster, 2011). 10. How do changes in the environment, such as demand changes, new pollution control laws, the changing value of the dollar, and price changes, affect operations? Name specià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ c impacts on operations for each change. Changes in demand, law, currency value, etc. affect significantly to operations. Operations have to adapt to such changes quickly. The demand changes will increase or decrease the number of products, thereby affect process, capacity and inventory. On the other hand, every addition and change in the pollution control laws, operations must consider that production process use safe and certificated resources. If a manufacturing process does not match the law, it will be redesigned and reconsidered. The changing value of dollar will cause a lot of effects. It will affect the environment such as the customers demand, transportation cost, etc. Price changes will increase or cut down the input cost, thereafter affect production cost and finished goods price. 11. Find examples of well-run and poorly run operations in recent business periodicals such as BusinessWeek, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal. What can you learn from these examples? On the Wall Street Journal, there is an article that describes Fujitsu, a well-run operation in the difficult time after disasters (Osawa, 2011). Fujitsu has prepared for all possible contingencies in order to reconsider the production process after catastrophes. I can learn from this example something valuable, particularly, Fujitsu has clear plan and they made decision quickly after disasters. Therefore, the production system was not interrupted for a long time. In one BusinessWeeks article, MGM Grand had an issue on engaging employees with operations. Sometimes employees did not know what meetings were at the hotel (BusinessWeek, 2009). From this example, it is clear that stuck of staff would affect operations such as customer loyalty, return visits, and spending in the hotel. 12. Identify some of the current trends in operations that you think are of critical importance. Some current trends in operations that are critical importance: Global Competition Operations Strategy Supply Chain Management Lean manufacturing 13. Describe how operations process thinking can be applied to the following types of work: a. Acquisition of another company. b. Closing the books at the end of the year. c. Marketing research for a new product. d. Design of an information system. e. Hiring a new employee. Operations process thinking can be applied well to various types of work by following process, quality, capacity and inventory. a. Acquisition of another company Process: Consider and seek to take over another company or at least gain a controlling interest in that company. Quality: Minimize the expenses of cash in making the acquisition. Capacity: Ensure that we can borrow a significant amount of money to pay for the acquisition. b. Closing the books at the end of the year. Process: Prepare financial statements. Quality: The accounting revisited to ensure all statements are proper. c. Marketing research for a new product. Process: Corporate staff makes some of the process decisions. They have developed a standard that is simply sized to à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ t customers demand. Quality: Products must follow certain standards for quality that have been set by the corporate staff. Capacity: Decisions about capacity determine the maximum level of output of products Inventory: Select appropriate suppliers and decide how much components to order and when to place orders. d. Design of an information system. Process: Analyze and design system requirements from different perspectives. Quality: Ensure that design meets the requirements. Capacity: The information system has ability to satisfy every work today and into the future.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Influence of Malcolm X on United States History Essay -- Racial Is

There have been many people throughout United States History who have greatly influenced the nation, including Malcolm X. Malcolm X both positively and negatively affected American society. He is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history, while being a tremendous public speaker and human rights activist, specifically advocating for the rights of African Americans. However, numerous individuals view him as controversial figure due to the widespread portrayal of Malcolm X as a violent and racist character often considered to be the opposite of Martin Luther King, Jr. Overall, it is clear that Malcolm X is one of the most significant people in United States history because of his various positive and negative influences on American culture. Malcolm Little was born on 19 May 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska, but grew up in Lansing, Michigan (Malcolm, 2003). Malcolm attended school in Lansing, but dropped out in the eighth grade after one of his teachers told him that he should become a carpenter instead of a lawyer. His childhood can be seen as quite tragic for several reasons. First, he watched his house burn down at the hands of white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan. Then, two years later, his father was murdered, and subsequently, his mother was placed in a mental institution. Later, only in his early teens, Malcolm moved to Boston to live with his half-sister. There, he became involved in criminal activities. Known as â€Å"Detroit Red,† for his hair’s reddish tinge, he developed into a street hustler, drug dealer, and leader of a gang of thieves (Mamiya, 1). Consequently, in 1946, he went to prison for burglary (Malcolm, 2003). It is due to this criminal nature, in his early life, that some i... ...sively demand change (Ferran, 1992). Unfortunately, many individuals find him to be controversial and his methods to be extreme. Nevertheless, he fought for equality of African Americans and stood for what he believed becoming one of the most significant characters in American history. Works Cited Brazil, Georgia and Barbara Reed. â€Å"X, Malcolm†. Volume Library. Southwestern. Nashville, TN. 2004. Ferran, Christine. "X, Malcolm 1925-1965." Contemporary Black Biography. 1992. 14 Feb. 2011. â€Å"Malcolm X.† Britannica. 15th Edition. 2003 Mamaiya, Lawrence A. "Malcolm X Biography." 2010. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. . McGill, Sarah Ann. â€Å"Malcolm X.† EBSCO. Broadalbin-Perth High School Library Broadalbin, New York. 16 Feb. 2011. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Cry In The Night :: essays research papers

BOOK TALK Mary Higgins Clark -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ §A Cry In The Night ¡Ã‚ ¨ First impressions of book -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I wish I was Jenny at the beginning ¡K o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She had the perfect boyfriend. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It described him as good looking, kind, and very gentlemen like. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He would take her to fancy restaurants. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The beginning of the book was pleasant and made me wonder what was wrong because it seemed so perfect. Plot -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Summary -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It foreshadowed a little bit. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Erich ¡Ã‚ ¦s mother was an artist that painted. Erich was a painter also. Erich put his name on her work and got credit for it. - I was able to follow along easily in this book. Predictions -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Right predictions o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Something has to be wrong with Erich, he ¡Ã‚ ¦s too perfect. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was right because he was killing people. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wrong predictions o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jenny was hallucinating. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was wrong because it was really happening. Relating to Text -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Self: o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jenny was pregnant. I ¡Ã‚ ¦m pregnant. She got involved with the wrong guy. And well I got involved with the wrong guy also. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jenny and Erich lived in a small town. I live in a small town. Gossip was always going around; Stratton is just like that. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World: o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Erich put his name on someone else ¡Ã‚ ¦s work. People today do it all the time. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Text: o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lots of murders happen in Mary ¡Ã‚ ¦s books. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also there are movies that are sort of like it. Secret Window. Figurative Language -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personification o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ §Wind whispered through the trees, stirring the naked branches into the restless movement. „X  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wind was given the human-like characteristic of whispering. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Metaphorical Personification o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ §That red is perfect against your hair. Dark could on scarlet. Like dark secrets in a scarlet women. „X  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Red was given a human-like characteristic with a comparison.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Andrew Carnegie A Captain Of Industry

Many industrialists in the gilded age were on the border line between a robber baron or a captain of industry. Of these industrialists was an extremely success useful business man Andrew Carnegie. Andrew could be argued on both sides of the matter. Carnegie shaped his steel production business to #1 in the world, he sold it a ND used the money towards many charity organizations.I believe that Andrew Carnegie e was a captain of industry because he dedicated his life to helping society with public activities and donated more than 100 million dollars to schools, libraries, an d through several other donations. He not only shaped industrialization but the United s tastes. People believe that Andrew Carnegie was a robber baron because he was untrustworthy, selfish, and left workers in lethal work habitats with low wages .Andrew put his employees in harmful work environments with less than safe equipment NT. Injuries occurred often in Carnegie;s business from exploding iron, flames, and sl ang. It was hard for the workers to be alert and ready with only a couple hours of sleep and a work SSH fit of twelve. Along with the means unsafe work conditions they had to live off low pay. Carnegie also betrayed one of his closest business friends Henry Fricke by three tatting him to sell his stock in the steel business for cheap.Many believe that Andrew Carnegie betrayed not only his workers but his friends. Although many will strongly critic Andrew Carnegie as a Robber Baron see h as one of the greatest captains Of industry. Carnegie used his â€Å"last days† serve Eng others by building libraries, schools, and giving donations. â€Å"Carnegie donated approve imitate 5$ million to the new York public library so it could open several branches†. And even opened up his own university so he could share his knowledge and success the rough future business owners.Carnegie put his men through hell and back so they c loud have the #1 steel business in the world that would soon sell for more than 200 mill Andrew Carnegie did what he had to do so that he could be successful in the gilded age and lose himself in the service of others. Carnegie changed his life for the beet err in his later years. He wrote books on being socially responsible for the wealthy and enjoyed meeting with other professionals from different fields. Carnegie may have lo deed like just another snotty,cocky business owner but really wanted to help others.An drew Carnegie was a captain of industry but also a shaped the industrialization by b Ewing an example of smart work and effective actions. In conclusion, Andrew Carnegie was a brilliant business man who ended with the best steel plant in the world. Although he treated his employees poorly he did it to be successful which worked. Carnegie spent the money from his steel production n to help others be successful too. Andrew Carnegie was captain Of industry and made a difference in peoples lives for the better.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Eight Elvises Essay

Following the times of the middle 1950’s Abstract Expressionism sparked an interest for Andy Warhol, and during the 60’s Andy, and Roy Lichtenstein created a new realism of America. This new realism was called Pop Art which expressed daily life in America as it was being lived. Warhol was born in 1928 as Andy Warhola, he grew up with a curiosity in commercials, and after a very successful life he became the main figure associated with Pop Art. His art is some of the most well known art of all time, and he is considered one of the best artists of all time, his greatest painting was done on canvas in 1963 called the Eight Elvises and is worth one hundred million dollars, which this amount is in the likes of Jackson Pollock, and Pablo Picasso’s work. Andy Warhol has many accomplishments during his life, and he was inspired by many different people and things. His talent led him to many opportunities including movies and artwork. Growing up Warhol was diagnosed with chorea which is a disease of the nervous system that causes movements that are involuntary. This disease is correlated with scarlet fever, causing Andy to grow up primarily bed-ridden, and this is where he listened to the radio and collected pictures of movie stars which helped him gain his own personality and attributes. After his struggle he spent his time at Carnegie School of Fine Arts Institute in Pittsburgh, he studied hard and showed his artistic capability early while he studied commercial art. Warhol was quickly offered a position in New York drawing advertisements for a shoe company. This is where his whimsical colors started to be portrayed in his drawings of those shoes. While working with the shoe company he was recruited to illustrate the vinyl album covers for band by record labels who at the time were booming with musical talent. In 1952, while Warhol was doing shoe art he was also doing his own art on the side. He wanted to show his early work to the public, so after pitching his idea he got his first art show in New York at the Hugo Gallery. All of his works during these times are very interesting to me, because he used his art to represented life as it was in America every day. Warhol took these everyday things as simple as Campbell’s soup cans, or Coke Cans and turned them into monumental items in America’s life. These items sell over 3 million products a day; these companies’ should be thanking Andy for making their business boom Worldwide. Warhol stated â€Å"You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coca-Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca-cola, and just think, you can drink Coca-Cola, too† (Art). This art of the soups and cokes form analytic lines the way he stacks cans precisely and mathematically as he draws, which takes extreme precision and measurement on his part to make sure that everything is straight and perfect. After these paintings were produced, Warhol began getting very well known in the New York art world. This art led him to moving on to what was called â€Å"The Factory† where many creative minds ranging from actors, writers, musicians, and other artists would drop by and lend their inspiration. The Factory† is where Andy let his ability shine, he decided to get rid of a difference between high and low art, and make known that art can be found anywhere. High art being art that has history and low art being art that has no history, but Andy wanted to clear high and low all together. Warhol liked the factory because it had a crazy atmosphere that fit his life style. He produced all of his work during the time at factory while he was working there. Including in 1963 piece that had the most impact on me which was the silkscreen painting Eight Elvises because the unusual thing about this silkscreen is that it is unique. Warhol had many other silkscreen’s that were produced sometimes in the hundreds, and Warhol only made one Eight Elvises. This 12 ft canvas shows from left to right Elvis in cowboy attire with his gun drawn in his right hand with seven repeat images on the left of his body finishing off with a full body view with left hand in sight as his body fades away. Warhol was known as a primary visual artist and this art is an example of that. Silkscreen is a stencil method of printmaking in which a design is imposed on a screen of silk or other fine mesh, with blank areas coated with an impermeable substance, and ink is forced through the mesh onto the printing surface. Warhol did not bother to clean up the imperfections of the print including slips of the screen, uneven inkings of the roller, and general graininess. I believe that this artwork and the artists represent America because Warhol used American icons such as items and faces to secure a place for these in history. For these reasons this is why I have chosen this artwork. I like that he used a popular person Elvis and put his pop art twist on him turning him into eight western Elvises ready to draw his weapon, I think this means that he is a dependable hero for America to lean on. Warhol uses high and low art through his artwork giving it a desirable product. During the sixties his art was very distinct and powerful which in turn Warhol gained mass popularity, and people that had known him had been driven away from him due to his success. In 1968 a woman that worked for Warhol on occasion found him and shot him in the stomach, stating that â€Å"He had to much control over my life† (Art). He survived the gunshot, but was injured horribly and was required to wear a bandage on his stomach for the rest of his life. After this incident Warhol returned to the art world creating some more of my favorite art because of the way that he uses colors on the faces of American icons such as Marilyn Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. JFK, even Jimmy Carter, Mick Jagger, and Elvis. After the assassination attempt he also began publishing a magazine called â€Å"Interview† which is still published today. This magazine was dubbed as â€Å"The Crystal Ball of Pop (Interview. com) due to Warhol’s style of running the magazine, Andy would take pictures of famous people or items and by adding his color schemes he would make the entire magazine look like his art. A portion of this magazine is still dedicated to Andy’s style of work. His hard work ethic led him to many art shows getting his work extensively in museums and galleries around the world until he died during a gall bladder procedure that was deemed a safe procedure. His work of almost forty years has secured his position as one of the most influential talents of all time, and one of the greatest artists in the world. Warhol grew up with tough conditions leading to his confused life and very awkward personality type, these factors contributed to his choice of being a homosexual and his ambition of wanting to only make rich people richer by putting their pictures in the art world for more people to look at this is why he did so many self portraits. He wanted everyone to remember what he did and to this day I would say he made a big impact.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Essay Example While this might be unthinkable in the United States, there is no good reason for it to be so. Many American officers are now comparing their own army to international ones and determining that it is time to bring American practices more in line with practices around the world. These countries’ experience shows that an army does not fall apart when homosexuals are allowed the serve openly; there are no reported negative effects whatsoever. One of the main reasons that other countries allow homosexuals to serve openly is because courts have recognized that homosexuals have the right to be free of discrimination. In Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. It simply isn’t possible to deny homosexuals the right to serve their country. These legal reasons have been recognized in other countries too and form the basis for many countries’ rejection of similar don’t ask, don’t tell policies. In the United States such rights have not yet been granted. There is still a big argument about gay marriage which shows no sign of being resolved any time soon. America appears to be a more culturally divided country on the issue of homosexuality. That may be the way it is, but that is not a very good reason to deny a person the opportunity to serve their country because of an immutable characteristic that really has no connection wi th the morale or standards of the troupe. The argument against giving homosexuals such rights holds little water. The American army is currently fighting two big wars: one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. It is short of soldiers and needs more. Since the don’t ask, don’t tell policy came into effect, thousands of soldiers have been forced to leave service. This is not right. The military needs more soldiers. Disallowing the service of homosexuals reduces the number of soldiers too

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research Project - Essay Example To a great extent, with time, animals and humans have learnt to make their peace with the plant kingdom, as well as have understood that importance of preserving the same due to the growing levels of environmental pollution on the planet. Carson’s book Silent Spring is a reminder of this very co existence between plants, animals and humans and how human beings must make it their mission to maintain the level of peace and calm within society for generations to come by preserving the environment and spreading awareness regarding the same. Time has come to ask ourselves, how is it that we can make this world a better place? We must take a look at the environment around us and begin from there. Plants and trees form a very important aspect of life; they provide us with oxygen as well as food. At the same time however, we `tend to over utilize the quality of the little plant life that is available in order to make maximum use in terms of cooking, eating as well as all other forms o f consumption. This is done by adding chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers to plants in order to ensure that they are kept away from being eaten by pests or flourish and grow faster. However, this attitude towards a speedier production level has led to a great amount of turmoil as explained further, and needs to be kept in check. The American environmental movement began strongly after Carson advocated the same through her book regarding the excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers on plants world over. Although these products are used for the purpose of cleaning crops and making sure those plants are free from pests and insects, Carson’s letters (which are also a part of the book) talk about how these products have been causing ill effects to the environment at large. Pesticides like DDT have resulted in killing birds and animals that come near these plants, thus harming the environment. Moreover, excessive use of these products has also led to the failure in growth of a large number of crops. (Radford, Tim) As these pesticides become mixed with the plants, consumption of the crops by human beings has also led them to fall prey to diseases and sicknesses causing long term damage. All of this has adversely affected the entire food chain or web. It must be understood that growing these crops is a large part of farmer’s production in the country and cannot be stopped as it will affect the entire economic cycle; on the other hand however, the environment is getting harmed with the rampant use of fertilizers and pesticides. Something must be done to prevent these plants from dying or from birds and animals, as well as humans, from consuming them and falling sick. (Berenbaum, May) Carson writes, "In Florida, two children found an empty bag and used it to repair a swing. Shortly thereafter both of them died and three of their playmates became ill. The bag had once contained an insecticide called parathion, one of the organic phosphates; tests e stablished death by parathion poisoning." (Carson, Rachel) These lines are enough to tell the reader about the emotion that has been placed in making others realize how important it is to do something that might change the state of the environment around us. To make the world a better place, probably, steps need to be taken to ensure that awareness is spread regarding how much the ecosystem is being

Monday, October 7, 2019

American Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

American Government - Essay Example A democracy is flawed when government officials act in their self interest rather than the publics and when a portion of the populace is served more than others. We cannot be of the people if we are not by the people. Any reason for low voter turnout whether internally, from apathy or external sources such as intentional acts of voter suppression degrades and makes a mockery of a democracy, an ongoing experiment, a system that works only as well as people make it. By strengthening instead of weakening the Voting Rights Act of 1965, changing the voting day (Tuesday) and instituting mandatory voting among other techniques, voter turnout will be increased which is a victory in and of itself, a victory for the democratic process and we the people. Low voter turn out Pandering Political leaders usually show little interest in catering to segments of the population that historically vote in smaller numbers than the norm. They use their limited campaign resources, time and money, where it w ill do the most good. The 2012 presidential election is a good example. Republican candidate Mitt Romney courted the far-right of his party to win the primary because this was the most emotionally motivated group meaning they would vote in high numbers. Romney is credited for instituting the model for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as Governor of Massachusetts, a law that covers abortion and illegal immigrants. He did what all politicians do, pandered to the people going to the polls. The far-right Tea Party does not represent mainstream Republicans. Their voice is over-represented. Even after the presidential loss Republicans have not showed interest in attract minority voters. Voting blocks such as the Tea Party have a larger voice in government, a circumstance that does not accurately represent the population. Bad outcomes occur when a highly motivated minority carries a disproportionate voice such as when the House of Representatives shutdown the federal government, have vo ted to repeal Obamacare more than 40 times and is not allowing a vote on the immigration bill. Apathy A democratic government is designed to reflect the will of the majority and protect the civil liberties of all. Apathy, the lack of interest in the democratic process, acts to distort the ideal of democracy and not in a positive way. When half of those registered to vote choose not to exercise that right it results in a government that does not represent all people equally. People don’t vote for a variety of reasons including, ‘too busy,’ ‘don’t like either candidate,’ ‘have a disability’ and ‘just don’t care about politics.’ Voting apathy is getting worse. In 1960 nearly two-thirds of eligible voters made it to the polls, a number smaller than many other democracies but the largest turnout in the 50 years previous as well. In 2008 that relatively low number dropped to just over 50 percent. Those figures are fo r presidential elections. Off-year elections are much worse when voter apathy reaches two-thirds, a dismal number especially when compared to other democracies. Several countries consistently surpass more than 90 percent voter turnout including Australia, Belgium, Austria and Italy. (Ghosh, 2011). Voters who are more educated and of a higher socio-economic class vote in larger numbers than poor and less educated voters. In the 2008 election, according to the U.S Census Bureau, â€Å"76 percent of voters earning a median income of $50,000 or more voted, while only 59 percent of Americans

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Madbury vs Madison and Mc Collough vs Maryland Essay

Madbury vs Madison and Mc Collough vs Maryland - Essay Example Marbury filed a suit before the Supreme Court on its original jurisdiction and prayed for a writ of Mandamus to be passed, ordering Madison to deliver him the signed commission (Levinson and Balkin 3). The questions or legal issues that were to be decided in this case were, whether the applicant had a right to the commission he demanded, whether the country can afford him a remedy and lastly, whether the remedy provided by the court will be in the form of Mandamus (William Marbury vs. James Madison). The case arose out of the dispute between two political parties, which were the Federalists, primarily led by Alexander Hamilton on the one hand and on the second hand the Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others (Levinson and Balkin 3). Jefferson and fellow Republicans were not pleased with the Federalists, who were trying to safeguard their political power by packing the court with their own men before they left their office. The Republicans vowed to fix the wrong which had been done by Republicans (Mountjoy & Mc Neese 27-28). This ultimately led to the battle in the form of Madbury vs. Madison in the US Supreme Court, Now coming to the case of Mc Culloch vs. Maryland, the parties to this suit were Mc Culloch who is the Appellant in this case, whereas, the State of Maryland is the defendant (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). The State of Maryland had enacted a statute imposing a tax on all the banks, which were operating in Maryland and were not chartered by the state. The statute provided that all such banks will not have the power to issue note and can only issue them by purchasing the paper to be issued by the state (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). The cashier of the Baltimore branch of the second bank of the United States, which was established by the 1816 Act of the Congress, issued bank notes without complying with the Maryland law. Maryland sued Mc Culloch to pay taxes and Mc Culloch contested the constitutionality of the Act (Mc Culloch vs. Maryla nd). The issues, in this case, were whether the Congress had the power to incorporate a bank, even when the power is not specifically stated by the constitution and whether the State of Maryland had the power to tax an institution created by its own power granted by the constitution (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). The Supreme Court held in this case that the Congress had power under the Constitution to incorporate a bank, that the State of Maryland did not have the power to tax an institution created by the Congress pursuant to its powers under the constitution and the Act passed by Maryland to levy taxes was unconstitutional (Mc Culloch vs. Maryland). Despite the fact that the above two cases are distinct and stretched over two different time period, having different subject matter and facts, the two cases have certain things in common. Firstly, both the cases were on constitutional law and required interpretation of the constitution. Secondly, both cases were initiated in the same peri od of time, which is the early 19th century. Thirdly, both the cases had supreme importance and were landmark cases in the history of the United States, in the sense that both the cases decided important issues.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Universal Virtues Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Universal Virtues - Coursework Example Remarkably, individuals fail to practice and put into consideration the universal virtues. Consequently, individuals undergo a tremendous transformation in their lives which hinders them from actually realizing their abilities and potentials to embrace any of the virtues. Leaders are meant to act as a role models to the people and have the responsibility of practicing all the six universal virtues to ensure efficiency in their ruling (Chiles, 2007). Unfortunately, they fail to adopt all of them but only achieve to practice just a few. In the decision making process, a leader can make a wise and just decision but lacks the courage to support his decision. According to Chiles (2007), wisdom, courage and humanity are the most essential virtues. They form the basis of an individual’s life which enables him to make wise decisions and to be brave when dealing with others. The six universal virtues are the keys to a successful life that ensures togetherness in a community or in an

Friday, October 4, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of Hurricane Essay Example for Free

Rhetorical Analysis of Hurricane Essay Martin Luther King once said, â€Å"There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, popular, or political, but because it is right. † The song â€Å"Hurricane†, written by Bob Dylan takes a stand and ignores what was safe, popular, and politically right during the 1960’s and 1970’s, in order to paint a picture of injustice. Dylan organizes the actual events of a man named Rubin â€Å"Hurricane† Carter who was a middleweight boxer wrongfully accused and convicted of a double homicide. Dylan narrates the song and uses his credibility as a rock star to reason with a broader audience, while evoking the emotions of listeners by describing horrific events, prejudice, and coercion by fraudulent figures of authority that developed false allegations. As a result the man (Hurricane) authorities came to blame was convicted and put in prison for 20 years but as Dylan says in his song, Hurricane could have been the champion of the world, referring to â€Å"Hurricane,† who was a well known sports figure for his boxing talent. The song is also narrated in such a way that Dylan tries to convey a message that will not only cause a critical analysis of the injustice by his fan base but also by the general public. The setting of the song takes place in Patterson, New Jersey, which is a line written in the song that reads, â€Å"and they arrive on the scene with their red lights flashing in the hot New Jersey night. † In the first verse of the song Dylan attempts to hook listeners with the words, â€Å"pistol shots ring out in the barroom night. and after describing a bartender laying in a pool of blood he then moves on to quote a secondary character named Patty Valentine as saying, â€Å"My god they’ve killed them all! † describing the three men that lay slain in the barroom. The next two sentences tells audience what Dylan is going to do in which he says, â€Å"Here comes the story of the Hurricane, the man authorities came to blame for somethin’ he never done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been the champion of the world. The first verse grabs the emotions of listeners by creating fear while imagining the sound of gun shots, a woman screaming, and a man laying dead in a pool of blood. While the second to last sentence of the first verse, gives an identity to the main character â€Å"Hurricane,† which is an attempt to stimulate an audience to imagine a man who is like a hurricane. The first time listening to the song, one might envision a man who was very tall, muscular, and who could rip doors of their hinges, and could pick up Volkswagens and throw them the length of a football field. In reality â€Å"Hurricane† is only five foot, eight inches and weighs one hundred and seventy pounds. However, Dylan does a fantastic job pulling his listeners in while introducing the main character and opening events that would build on one another until an apex of the song is reached. Dylan not only exhibits credibility because of his fame but most importantly his song writing ability. Two of his previous songs â€Å"Blowin’ in the wind† and â€Å"The Times Are a Changin’† were anthems used during the U. S. Civil Rights and anti-war movements of the 1960’s. Dylan’s way with words was again what enabled him to tell of Hurricane’s awful injustice, while hoping the lyrics to the song would invoke his audience to work to prevent and end similar injustices from happening in the future. Throughout the song Dylan makes suggestions of racial prejudice and coercion by the Patterson, New Jersey police, the District Attorney (D. A. ), and the judge who over saw the proceedings. For example he writes, â€Å"Number one contender for the middle weight crown had no idea the shit was about to go down when a cop pulled him over to the side of the road just like the time before and the time before that. In Patterson that just the way things go. If you’re black you might as well not show up on the street. Less you wanna draw the heat. † The heat Dylan is referring to was the ongoing harassment of African American’s by the Patterson police. Later in verse nine Dylan writes, â€Å"All of Rubins cards were marked in advance the trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chance. The judge made Rubins witnesses drunkards from the slums. To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum and to the black folks he was just a crazy nigger. No one doubted that he pulled the trigger. And though they could not produce the gun, the D. A. said he was the one who did the deed and the all-white jury agreed. † In this verse Dylan is making a point that not only were the Patterson police trying to make an example out of Hurricane but also the D. A. and the overseeing judge. Keep in mind that during 1966 the United States was in the midst of a historical transition as just two years earlier President Lyndon B. Johnson had signed the Civil Rights Act outlawing all forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including racial segregation. The act created serious tension among whites and blacks as a majority of whites refused to accept the change and the blacks were free to fight back against those who refused. In the end the tension provoked many hostile riots and fights to breakout all over the U. S. The year 1966 also marked the start of the Black Power movement, which was maintained until the 1970’s. The movement brought together black collective interest that consisted of racial pride, political goals, establishment of other social institutions, and most importantly a continued defense against racial oppression. Given the historical context one could attest that Dylan’s speculation of lingering racism could very much be true and at that time was very much alive. Throughout the song Dylan continually uses words and fraises that evoke the beliefs and values of those not only of the 60’s and 70’s but also of today’s generation. Dylan incessantly draws attention to the callous environment that was created and controlled by the Patterson police. The Police and the District Attorney needed someone to arrest for the barroom murders and the person that fit the description was Hurricane. In verse four Dylan introduces two more characters named Alfred Bello and Arthur Dexter Bradley. By doing this Dylan keeps the attention of his audience as he writes, â€Å"Alfred Bello had a partner and he had a rap for the cops. Him and Arthur Dexter Bradley were just prowlin’ around he said. † Dylan is telling the story as though Bello was speaking to the police in regards to why he and his partner were at the crime scene. Dylan goes on to quote Bello again having said, â€Å"I saw two men runnin’ out and they looked like middle weights (boxers) they jumped into a white car with out-of-state-plates. Dylan uses the above sentence to further suggest that the real criminals, Bello and Bradley pinned the blame on Hurricane and his friend and hinted to the cops in such a way that directed them to accuse and arrest a well known public figure that happened to be a middle weight boxer. Dylan is again trying to send a message to his audience that Hurricane was falsely accused. After the police arrested Hurricane and took him to the hospital to be identified by a wounded victim looking â€Å"through his one dyin’ eye,† the man says, â€Å"Whad you bring him in here for? He aint the guy! Dylan continues to link events together working toward his final message as he narrates the coercion of Bello and Bradley by the Patterson police. When four months later the two are reminded of the murder and reminded of the getaway car and are asked, â€Å"You think you’d like to play ball with the law? Think it might-a been that fighter that you saw runnin’ that night? Don’t forget your white. † Dylan moves on as he writes, â€Å"Rubin Carter was falsely tried. The crime was murder one, guess who testified? Bello and Bradley and they both baldly lied and the newspapers, they all went along for the ride. How can the life of such a man be in the palm of some fools hand? To see him obviously framed couldnt help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game. † Verse ten lets you know up front that Hurricanes conviction was wrong. The next sentence continues to work on the audience’s emotions as Dylan words describe his anger and disgust and that it’s no surprise that Bello and Bradley testified. In the following line, Dylan is alluding to the Patterson county judge as the fool with Hurricane’s life in the palm of his hand. In the last sentence, Dylan’s’ words are directly aimed at the American justice system calling it a game, which tells the audience you should be ashamed too. In the final verse Dylan hits listeners with a combination of three punches as he ends with his experienced opinion, beliefs, and desires. He writes, â€Å"Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise, while Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell an innocent man in a living hell. Thats the story of the Hurricane, but it wont be over till they clear his name and give him back the time hes done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been the champion of the world. † It is obvious that Bello and Bradley are the criminals free to drink martini’s and know how to play the justice system game. Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell is to influence the audience’s emotions visualizing a man sitting in his own personal hell like a statue that can do nothing but wait. Dylan lets the audience know he has finished the narrative by saying, â€Å"That’s the story of Hurricane. † The statement, â€Å"But it wont be over till they clear his name and give him back the time hes done. Put him in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been the champion of the world. † is telling the audience that they need to stand up and demand that the injustice of a innocent man be cleared and compensated for the time he has spent in prison. The ending chorus reminds the audience that the wrongful conviction not only took twenty years from a man’s life but also his chance at greatness. Before the song starts, Dylan’s reputation precedes him as a bond and a trust had already been established with his audience and those of the general public who knew of him. Although the song is not a part of our current pop culture, Dylan attempts to use his credibility to draw attention back to the racial discrimination and prejudice that was still looming the country after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had been implemented. From the beginning of the song to the end, Dylan tries to send a message to evoke the values and beliefs of his fans and the general public calling out to them to stand together against what was safe, popular, and politically right and to not only advocate for Rubin â€Å"Hurricane† Carter but also demand the justice system prevent further unlawful injustice from happening in the future. By narrating, Dylan uses he words and phrases to invoke the emotions and hearts of his audience by describing the pain, loss, and anger, that Hurricane felt and the disgust that Dylan, himself felt in relation to the active events in the story and those who are a part of the justice system. The last idea that Dylan leaves his audience with is Hurricane was, â€Å"put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been the champion of the world. † if it wasn’t for his wrongful incarceration.